The brilliant, sudden flash of a lightning bolt is testimony to both nature's beauty and power. As each bolt races across the sky, the tremendous electrical current transforms oxygen (O2) into ozone (O3). Ozone, of course, protects us from harmful ultraviolet rays; but did you know that ozone also helps purify the air outdoors?
We've all taken a walk after a thunderstorm and experienced the clean, fresh smell in the air. That's ozone at work. And it is this natural process that Living Air simulates indoors.
Ozone does not mask odors. Ozone oxidizes or chemically destroys the bonds that hold molecules together. When the bond is broken, the odor molecules are converted to oxygen and water vapor. The conversion is continuous and leaves no residue. Common odor problems in the home can be found in upholstery, moldy cellars, crawl spaces, kitchen cabinets, musty closets and carpeting. Odors can be caused by pets, cigarette and cigar smoke, cooking, and chemicals released by plastics, paints, stains, and treatments on household fabrics. Common odor problems on a boat can be found in the bilge area, the head and the cabin areas. Diesel and gasoline fumes, mold and mildew, standing water and leaks in hoses and holding tanks can cause odors. There are also chemicals that are released by fiberglass, carpeting and wood finishes.